Everyone told me: “come on, let’s go, it’s fun to watch football games “I thought, of course, maybe it won’t be in Italian stadiums, the italian fans, but sport is still the same anyway”. Two goals, eleven players for the team, and a ball in the center of the field, let’s just hope that my school scores a goal.
Yes, I’m Italian, so we have sports, but one above all is the most important: calcio or for some, football. Happy to see a match in America, I got ready, with camera, t-shirt with a nice ENHS logo, and then the pass to come into the event.
I went with friends, to stay together, I arrived and: What? There are two posts at the end of the pitch, and people are throwing the ball at each other and I wonder: “but are we sure that Americans know what football is”. And fortunately they are exactly right, this is a match of American Football or only football, because the other sport with the goal, the team, and you the feets and not hands, here has another name: soccer!
But how different is soccer from football, two completely different sports, this ball that bounces senselessly, is very difficult to control by the kids, who throw it from one side to the other with incredible force; then you run, run, run until you get to that line which only means touch down; and then hear the voices of the public.
The boys push each other with shoulders, with tackles to make sure they don’t manage to score a point, but despite this they play and have so much fun that it fascinates, even someone who has only seen, for many years, what you call soccer.
Really, football here is soccer, these usual Americans. Yet this sport, what you call football, attracted me, I couldn’t explain all the rules well, and maybe you can help me on this, but I’m starting to feel the environment, the stadium, and the desire of the fans to charge the team, and on this between football, football, soccer, in short sports does not change