The 2023 release of Netflix series, “My Life With the Walter Boys” has split viewers between Team Cole and Team Alex. But, why?
Cole and Alex are brothers who are both in love with their new housemate, Jackie. During her stay, she is torn between which brother to pursue. Not only can Jackie not decide, neither can Netflix watchers.
Like many other trending shows, Cole poses as the mysterious and rebellious jock while Alex is the bubbly, kind, bestfriend type. Placing characters in these two extremes adds conflict and spices up the plot line.
It seems oftentimes that the love interests are closely related, whether they are brothers, best friends, coworkers, or long-time rivals.
The close relation between the contrasting characters offer the unrealistic scenarios they are placed in with their love interest tugging on audiences’ heart strings reaching to watchers dream positions.
Human nature inevitably pulls viewers’ opinions to pick either the safe option like Alex or the mysterious thrilling alternative of Cole.
Since the love interest plays with the emotions of both characters, there becomes a competition between the two and they must constantly work to beat one another in the game of love.
Scenes include different emotional connections with each character, giving viewers separate reasons to pick a team.
Watchers spend the whole time waiting for their couple to have a scene together or praying for the downfall of the opposing character.
When the show tone in on just three characters, it allows directors to dive deeper into all aspects of each of them.
Watchers can also place themselves in the footsteps of the one who got the girl, or the one that didn’t. They empathize with both characters because of their own personal experiences.
Since opinions are formed through emotion, this can create extreme arguments between friends, partners, and audiences.
“Hayden Booth and I started becoming friends because of our conversations about the Vampire Diaries love triangle between Elena, Damon and Stephen,” sophomore Delaney Phalen said.
Obsessive fans create social media accounts to share their favorite relationships in these love triangles. These strong opinions create conflict in the videos comment sections that engage viewership and further divide fans.
“The Summer I Turned Pretty,” has viewers torn between Conrad and Jeremiah, It Ends with Us has split readers over Ryle and Atlas, and “The Hunger Games” divides watchers between Gale and Peeta.
“The Hunger Games love triangle is captivating because it’s so back and forth, she [Katniss] is always with a different guy,” sophomore Jenna Polking said.
Love triangles are also found off the screen. Already known for her ability to storytell through music, pop singer Taylor Swift developed a fictitious love triangle within her 2020 album Folklore.
The songs “Cardigan”, “Betty”, and “August” have left Swifties with a messy love triangle to untangle. This realization has made listeners engage with her music in a new interpretive manner.
In the album, the central male character, James, who is Betty’s ex-lover, has a messy affair with Augustina. The songs peek into the feelings of all members in the love triangle at different points in their lives and give their feelings towards the past relationships.
Storytelling of the love triangle allows listeners to relate the songs back to their own lives.
Love triangles create connections with readers. Whether it’s in a book, movie or song, they infatuate audiences and have for decades.