Leading up to elections, streets, billboards and TVs become swarmed with political ads. Recently, “Vote Me!” has shifted to “Don’t Vote Them!” with ads focused on tearing opponents down.
The Elkhorn Public School Board manages one of the best school districts in Nebraska. They oversee all of the issues in the schooling system and take the responsibility for most of the choices made by EPS. They handle decisions as small as the dates for winter break to those as large as how to control a public school system during a global pandemic.
Being a part of the school board means having the best interest of students and families in mind while also honoring the EPS policies. It’s important to remember that these choices are not made by the six school board members in isolation. The board hears from and weighs the thoughts and opinions of the Elkhorn community including school administration, staff, parents, and students.
As student council president I have close alignment and frequent interaction with board members. I have met with them for lunch to advocate for the student body. Although I may not see eye-to-eye with all members on every topic, I know that each one I have met with has been caring, accepting, and values me and my education.
Each Elkhorn Public School Board member seat is up for election every four years, and often it is a tight race. Candidates utilize tee shirts, yard signs, and billboards to help promote themselves and what they stand for.
Most of the campaigning is civil; signs display the candidate’s photo, name, and mission statement. This year, though, some of the campaigning took a hostile turn. I drove past a sign every day for months plastered in front of a neighborhood using twisted information to put down a candidate up for re-election. School board positions are being fought for by defaming others.
As a student who has gone through Elkhorn schools for thirteen years I have been drilled with the mission “Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Safe.” So why is it that grown adults can’t make it past the first motto? Elkhorn is a tight-knit community known for being supportive and uplifting, but this campaigning doesn’t reflect the Elkhorn that I know and love.