Elkhorn North has many clubs that students can join. The problem is that many students lack the knowledge of what the clubs are. Clubs With Christo is the solution to this problem. I attend a meeting with one of the clubs around the school, so that I can educate the student body on what they are all about. This week I visited the Gay-Straight Alliance, or GSA.
The GSA meets on Wednesdays in G216 and meetings are at 7:30 AM. English teacher
Amanda Hayworth is the sponsor.
“The goal is to continue to have a welcoming space for students of different identities, and to grow the number of students who know about it,” Hayworth said about the future goals of the GSA
The GSA is meant to be a club of compassion and a support system for people that are struggling with difficult issues like sexuality and gender.
“A place where LGBTQ youth can feel safe to hang out and tell others problems that they may be having because others may not agree with their ways of life,” club founder Priscilla Nelson said.
At the meeting I attended, club members created signs to hang around the school to spread awareness of the club. The meeting had a very laid back atmosphere and all members seemed to really get along and enjoy each others’ company. The club mostly serves as a safe space and hang out spot for members of the LGBTQ+ community though straight people are welcome to attend as well.
For all students that need a place where they can be themselves and talk with individuals who are dealing with similar issues in their life, the GSA is an amazing club to join.