Movie Review: House of Gucci

A review of the new movie, House of Gucci.

I was able to catch an early screening of the much anticipated House of Gucci directed by Ridley Scott and this wild ensemble cast of phenomenal actors including Lady Gaga and Adam Driver. 

The center of the story is about Patrizia Reggiani (Gaga) who is stubborn and will stop at nothing to detriment her social ascent. Reggiani follows her dreams and marries Maurizio (Driver), the heir to the Gucci fortune. Reggiani pushes Maurizio to drive out his family members and take full control of Gucci.

I think Lady Gaga and Adam Driver carried this entire movie. I think they will be nominated for the Oscars for this film. They both did an incredible job in this movie. Jared Letto was a bit weird in the movie. His character definitely stands out a lot more than the rest of the characters. He plays this very eccentric man, and it sort of takes you out of the story and can be distracting. It was hard for me to tell what age he was as well. He is the son of another character in the movie, but they look the same age and it confused me. It felt like every actor was in their own movie, and just did not blend well together.

My interest peaked when they brought in Tom Ford and talked about the fashion aspects of Gucci. I would have liked to see more on that.

I would like to apologize now for Italians that this is what we are giving you for your culture and your history. The accents, the American songs that are translated into Italian… so much wrong. It is an Italian movie. I think the actors did a great job, but I would rather have seen Italian actors in the movie. I wouldn’t have minded reading subtitles at this point. They were speaking English throughout the movie with these really bad Italian accents and it threw me off the entire time.

My biggest criticism with this film is how long it was. At one point I thought it was wrapping up at a good time, but it just kept going and going for another 45 minutes. I have sat through longer films and have been fine, but this one just felt very slow and dragged on.

Overall I was very disappointed in this movie. The family drama in the Gucci household was nothing short of legendary. Cinematography and wardrobe were top tier. I just could not emotionally connect with the film. I know Ridley Scott is a top class director, but the steady cam just threw me off. I did not feel a lot from this film. It gave us some moments of magic, but my rating would be a 5/10.