Gavin Topf, Reporter

Your Guide to Greek Life
Teachers tell students the truth of living in a fraternity or sorority

Review | Venom: The Last Dance; Great Ending to a Great Sequel
Action movie leaves the audience satisfied with the sequel finale.

Review | Santa Went Missing and So Should This Movie
Christmas movie Red One fails to entertain audience

Omaha Faces E.coli Outbreak
Bacteria spreads through Quarter Pounder at several McDonald’s nationwide

Film Review: Quarterback, Huge Success
Football documentary brings excitement to audience

Review | There Really Is No Place Like Nebraska
Volleyball documentary takes audience on an emotional roller coaster

Review | Was Sprint a False Start?
Track documentary fails to meet audience’s needs

Power in Pack Participation
Getting involved in clubs or sports boosts morale for students at Elkhorn North

New Counselor With New Energy
A family road trip with influences school year assistance

Forced School Presentations are Ineffective
The school attempts to make a change, but students are not listening

The Popularity of Poker
Poker becomes more popular among teenagers at Elkhorn North

Wolf of the Week: Jacob Petrick
Junior sacrifices his time cleaning up the disaster after the tornado

EMC: An Unstoppable Conference
Teams in the EMC have proven that they are the most well rounded teams in the state

Setting Records Without Seniors
Varsity team finishes season 13-8 compared to last year's 6-15