Fine Dining

A look into the Senior Café.


Photo by Eden Freymann

The three rows of tables designated to the seniors.

Early morning coffee and a book to compliment the crisp aura of the sunrise sounds quite appealing to most. Being able to sit down and relax before the responsibilities of the day start calling is a peaceful idea in and of itself. 

With the introduction of the Senior Café at Elkhorn North towards the beginning of the year, many Seniors thought they would finally be able to have a chance to have a coffee and chat with friends before school and have a peaceful place to eat lunch. 

Many ideas started forming in the senior’s minds about what the café would look like when they first learned that the café was a thing. “I was expecting it to be like an actual Café,” Senior Bailee Rinn said. “Maybe The Howl would be the Senior Café, but I was disappointed to see what it actually was.” 

The Senior Café is a reserved section in the cafeteria for the seniors to sit at during lunch time. It has plastic booth chairs and high-rise tables, which makes it more appealing than the rest of the tables in the lunchroom. 

“There are underclassmen who I see sitting in the Senior Café,” Rinn said. “It kind of makes me upset because a lot of the seniors have to wait to have a privilege like the café, even if it is only a small section of the cafeteria.” 

Senior year is a very exciting concept, and many love the idea of being the “top dogs” of the school and setting traditions. Seniors have to wait four years in order to receive the privileges and leniency of seniority in high school. 

However, the Senior Café was never supposed to be more than a reserved section in the cafeteria, according to Assistant Principal Emily Christensen.

“When the architects were designing the building, they called a specific part of the cafeteria the Senior Café because of the fancier tables, so we just went with it too.” Christensen said. 

Senior Brooke Kyriss was one student who really didn’t know of the Senior Café. Some small mentions in passing here and there were circulating, and it truly did sound exciting. “I didn’t really hear much about the Café but from what I did hear, other Seniors were really excited and it was way overhyped” Kyriss said. 

Most of the seniors were disappointed at first when they learned what the Senior Café would be, but as long as they are able to sit with their friends during lunch, they are content.