Humans of Elkhorn North: Kenzie Heedum

Photo by Kenzie Heedum

She is energetic, athletic, and encouraging. Senior Kenzie Heedum is this week’s human of Elkhorn North. Heedum is involved in softball for her school and during her summer league. She is also in the National Honors Society, Senior Class Board, SADD and track. 

Heedum enjoys running, being active, and spending quality time with her friends during her free time. She is interested in any kind of science because it peaks her interest the most. Her favorite science class that she has ever taken was AP Biology. 

Competing and having fun with her teammates is the main source of her happiness. Her dad has also impacted her entire life. He shaped her into the person she is today. 

“My dad taught me that I can not control everything that happens in both sports and life, but the two things that I can always control are my attitude and effort, this is something I constantly remind myself of to help stay focused and be the best I can be,” Heedum said. 

Throughout her life so far she has had many people she has looked up to. All of the previous seniors have been Heedum’s role models on and off the field. They have shown her how to be a leader and always do your part for the team. 

Overall, Heedum has had a fulfilling life so far. Her spunky personality, genuine positivity, and kindness have shaped her into who she is today. She is very deserving of this week’s Humans of Elkhorn North.