Molly Bruggeman, Reporter

Ready, Set, Race
The start to the 2022 season sets off in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.

Wolf of the Week: Owen Hess
Into Elkhorn North’s early baseball season, Owen Hess has been a huge contributor to their success.

Leadership in the World of Sports
The inside details of what role leadership plays in modern day sports.

History is Made: Formula One Season Recap
And with that, the Formula One season ends with a bang.

Book Review: Schindler’s List
The amazing story of how a German war profiteer and factory director saved many Jews during World War II.

Album Review: Red (Taylor’s Version)
The top five best Taylor Swift songs from “Red (Taylor's Version).”

The Ups and Downs of Being a Student-Athlete
Students share what it is like being a student-athlete at Elkhorn North.

Halloween Costumes | Photo Series
Students of Elkhorn North dressed up on Halloween.

Wolf of the Week: Ella Ford
A big contributor to the cross country team who has grit and a positive attitude.

Scary Acres: How Scary is it Really?
Students share their opinions about the attraction of the Halloween season.

Teacher Feature: Reyne Armbrust
Science teacher Reyne Armbrust blossoms into life as a Nebraskan.

Formula One: The Fastest Sport on Wheels
The international world centered on Formula One.

Trev Alberts: The Path to New Husker AD
Trev Alberts making his way to bigger and better things.