
Raising the Poms: Cheering through the year
Elkhorn North Cheer Team sets new goals and aspirations for future cheerleaders

Your Guide to Greek Life
Teachers tell students the truth of living in a fraternity or sorority

AI Killed the Internet
The rate of progress in Artificial Intelligence threatens the internet’s integrity

Clubs with Christo: Robotics Club
The Elkhorn North Robotics Club has seen massive growth this year

A Writer Beyond Classroom Walls
One freshman student aspires to publish a book at the age of fourteen

Empowering Coaching Educators
Teachers with extra duties deserve extra gratitude

The Threads of School Tradition
Celebrating the Heart of School Spirit and Community at Elkhorn North

Break the Silence
We need to address the importance of mental health awareness in our school community

Life as the New Kid
Moving to a new town where everyone has grown up together can be a challenging experience, but it can also offer significant opportunities for personal growth

Brad: The Devoted Dad
Custodian Brad Hensley balances the night shift and fatherhood

Breaking Barriers
Elkhorn North has its first male dancer: Will Swagler

Serving Kindness
A staff member spreads her joy to the students through the cafeteria